Countries with Lower Corporation Tax than UK

Corporation tax is a type of tax imposed on companies based on their profits. It is a significant source of revenue for most countries, which can then be used for public services and infrastructure development. The United Kingdom (UK) is known for having one of the highest corporation tax rates in the world, but there are several countries with lower corporation tax rates. In this article, we will explore some of these countries and examine the advantages and disadvantages of having lower corporation tax rates.

Countries with Lower Corporation Tax than the UK

There are several countries with lower corporation tax rates than the UK, including Ireland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Estonia. Ireland has one of the lowest corporation tax rates in the world, with a rate of 12.5%. Hungary’s corporation tax rate is 9%, while Bulgaria and Estonia have a flat rate of 10%.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lower Corporation Tax Rates

One of the most significant advantages of having lower corporation tax rates is that it can attract foreign investment. Companies are more likely to invest in countries with lower corporation tax rates, as it means they can retain more of their profits. This, in turn, can lead to job creation and economic growth. Lower corporation tax rates can also encourage companies to relocate their headquarters, which can bring further benefits to the country.

However, there are also several disadvantages to having lower corporation tax rates. One of the most significant disadvantages is that it can reduce the government’s revenue. This can then lead to a reduction in public services and infrastructure development. It can also create a race to the bottom, where countries lower their corporation tax rates in a bid to attract companies, which can lead to a global reduction in corporation tax rates.

Current State of Corporation Tax Globally

In recent years, there has been a global trend towards lower corporation tax rates. This is due, in part, to increased competition between countries for foreign investment. In 2021, the United States announced plans to increase its corporation tax rate from 21% to 28%. However, even with this increase, the United States’ corporation tax rate is still lower than the UK’s.


Corporation tax is an essential source of revenue for most countries, and it is crucial to strike a balance between attracting investment and maintaining a sustainable revenue stream. While having lower corporation tax rates can attract foreign investment and lead to job creation and economic growth, it can also have disadvantages, such as reducing government revenue and creating a race to the bottom. While there are several countries with lower corporation tax rates than the UK, it is essential to consider the potential impact of global trends towards lower corporation tax rates on a country’s economy.


  1. What is corporation tax?

Corporation tax is a tax imposed on a company’s profits by the government. It is usually a percentage of a company’s taxable profits.

  1. Why do countries have different corporation tax rates?

Countries have different corporation tax rates based on various factors, such as their economic situation, government revenue needs, and competitiveness in attracting foreign investment.

  1. How does corporation tax impact a country’s economy?

Corporation tax impacts a country’s economy by generating revenue for the government, which can then be used for public services and infrastructure development. It can also impact a country’s competitiveness in attracting foreign investment.

  1. How does the United Kingdom’s corporation tax rate compare to other countries?

The United Kingdom’s corporation tax rate is relatively high compared to other countries. Several countries, such as Ireland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Estonia, have lower corporation tax rates.

  1. What is the current global trend for corporation tax rates?

In recent years, there has been a global trend towards lower corporation tax rates due to increased competition between countries for foreign investment. However, some countries, such as the United States, have announced plans to increase their corporation tax rates.

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