Investing in the UK property market has always been popular, especially for those looking to invest in rental properties. With the rise of limited companies for property investment, many investors are considering the ‘buy to let house purchase’ option in a limited company structure. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of this type of investment strategy.

Buy to Let House Purchase

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’?
  3. Limited Company Structure for Property Investment
  4. Advantages of ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’ in Limited Company Structure
    • Tax Efficiency
    • Limited Liability
    • Ability to Build a Property Portfolio
    • Separation of Personal and Business Assets
  5. Disadvantages of ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’ in Limited Company Structure
    • Higher Initial Costs
    • Limited Financing Options
    • Higher Ongoing Costs
    • More Complex Administration
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

1. Introduction

Investing in rental properties can be a profitable venture, but it can also be a complex one. The rise of limited company structures for property investment has become increasingly popular in recent years, with investors looking for ways to maximize their profits while minimizing their risks. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using a limited company structure for ‘buy to let house purchase’ investments.

2. What is ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’?

‘Buy to let house purchase’ refers to the process of buying a property with the intention of renting it out to tenants. The landlord earns rental income, which is used to pay off the mortgage and other expenses associated with the property. ‘Buy to let’ can be done either as an individual or through a limited company structure.

3. Limited Company Structure for Property Investment

A limited company structure for property investment is a legal entity that is separate from its owners. This structure is increasingly popular among property investors due to its tax efficiency and limited liability. In this structure, the company owns the property, and any rental income generated goes to the company rather than the individual investor.

4. Advantages of ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’ in Limited Company Structure

Tax Efficiency

One of the main advantages of using a limited company structure for ‘buy to let house purchase’ is tax efficiency. In this structure, the rental income is subject to corporation tax rather than income tax, which can lead to significant tax savings for the investor. Additionally, limited companies can claim a wider range of expenses against their rental income, further reducing their tax liability.

Limited Liability

Another advantage of using a limited company structure is limited liability. This means that the company is a separate legal entity, and the investor’s personal assets are protected in case of any lawsuits or other legal issues.

Ability to Build a Property Portfolio

Using a limited company structure for property investment can also make it easier to build a property portfolio. With this structure, the company can purchase multiple properties, and any rental income generated can be reinvested into the company to purchase additional properties.

Separation of Personal and Business Assets

A limited company structure also allows for the separation of personal and business assets. This means that the investor’s personal assets are not at risk if the company experiences financial difficulties.

5. Disadvantages of ‘Buy to Let House Purchase’ in Limited Company Structure

Higher Initial Costs

One of the main disadvantages of using a limited company structure for ‘buy to let house purchase’ is higher initial costs. This is because the company will need to be set up, and legal and accounting fees may be higher than for individual investors. Additionally, there may be costs associated with transferring the property ownership to the company.

Limited Financing Options

Financing options may be more limited for limited companies compared to individual investors. Lenders may require higher interest rates or stricter lending criteria, as companies are seen as higher-risk borrowers. This can make it more difficult for investors to obtain financing for additional property purchases.

Higher Ongoing Costs

In addition to the higher initial costs, using a limited company structure for property investment may also result in higher ongoing costs. This includes ongoing legal and accounting fees, as well as costs associated with complying with regulations and filing taxes.

More Complex Administration

Using a limited company structure also involves more complex administration compared to investing as an individual. The company must file annual accounts and tax returns, and maintain accurate records of all financial transactions. This can be time-consuming and requires additional expertise in accounting and taxation.


Using a limited company structure for ‘buy to let house purchase’ offers several advantages, including tax efficiency, limited liability, and the ability to build a property portfolio. However, it also has several disadvantages, including higher initial costs, limited financing options, higher ongoing costs, and more complex administration. Investors should carefully consider their individual circumstances and consult with a professional before deciding whether to invest in property through a limited company structure.


  1. Can I transfer my existing properties to a limited company?
    • Yes, it is possible to transfer existing properties to a limited company, but there may be tax implications, and legal and accounting fees associated with the transfer.
  2. What are the tax implications of investing in property through a limited company structure?
    • Investing in property through a limited company structure can offer tax advantages, but there may also be additional taxes and costs associated with running a company.
  3. Can I still get a mortgage for a property purchased through a limited company?
    • Yes, it is possible to obtain a mortgage for a property purchased through a limited company, but lenders may require higher interest rates or stricter lending criteria.
  4. Can I use the profits generated by my limited company for personal expenses?
    • Yes, investors can use the profits generated by the company for personal expenses, but it is important to ensure that all expenses are legitimate and do not put the company at risk.
  5. What are the ongoing legal and accounting requirements for a limited company structure?
    • A limited company must file annual accounts and tax returns, and maintain accurate records of all financial transactions. This requires additional expertise in accounting and taxation, and can be time-consuming.